Spring Survey

Thank you for taking this survey about your experience. The staff will read all surveys and use them to make changes for future weeks. ASP’s headquarters staff will also review the forms and consider your input for system-wide changes. Quotes may be used in ASP publications. If you have any serious concerns, please also contact the Director of Volunteers, Karen Frederick, at Karen.Frederick@ASPhome.org or (423) 854-4434.

What is the name of your church or volunteer group?

Your new question!

Please send me more information about...  (mark all that apply) 

Are you taking this survey as an individual or as a work crew?

At which center did you volunteer?

What was your project's code name?

Are you a youth or adult volunteer?

Have you volunteered with ASP prior to this week?

What was your primary motivation in volunteering with ASP?

How satisfied are you that this motivation was fulfilled?

What is your level of satisfaction with the following?

Center Staff

Center Facility

Food Quality

Food Quantity

I had all the supplies I needed to do construction projects well and in a timely manner.

I was comfortable with the quantity and type of project to which I was assigned.

I was able to create a relationship with the family I served alongside.

Evening gatherings were a meaningful opportunity to connect and grow.

Are you likely to recommend ASP to others?

Why or why not?

Do you have any additional comments or suggestions to share with the center staff?

Please complete the following section so we can contact you about further opportunities with ASP.  This information will not be linked to your survey responses.


Email address:

Thank you for your feedback!

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