Staff Engagement Survey Welcome to your Staff Engagement Survey First Name: Last Name: Email address: Current Mailing Address: Birthday (mm/dd): Would you like to involved in an ASP Staff Community throughout the next year? Yes No Unsure None If so, please check all that apply: Big Sib/Little Sib Pairing Prayer Partner Pairing Virtual Guitar Lessons Virtual Staff Gatherings Virtual Service Opportunities Resource Bank (i.e. Construction manual/videos, information about Appalachia, etc.)) Professional Development (i.e. Resume Help, Mock Interview) Assist with Summer Staff Recruitment (i.e. SAWs, Career Fairs) Other (please comment below): Do you have ideas on ways ASP can engage with various different communities over the summer? If so, please comment below: Returning Staff Only: If opportunity presents itself, would you be interested and available to help out at one of ASPs Year Round locations? Please check all that apply and comment availably below: August 2020 Fall Break 2020 Spring Break 2021 Unsure Not Intersted/First Year Staffer Time's up